woman seated with welcoming smile

A Little Intro to the Remarkable! News

Thanks for checking out the Remarkable! News. I'm so happy to connect with you. 

I send the REMARKABLE! News out once or twice a month. Some of the content can also be found on my website's blog page--but you'll get more here like announcements, special offers, discounts, and before-it-happens info.

So what can you expect to find in the newsletter? Let me tell you! 

The Remarkable! News aims to amuse with

🌸 short essays on light, random topics. Sample here! Why Workout Pants Should Have Pockets

🌸 bookish news like reviews, author interviews, industry insights

🌸 plus inspiration for living our most joyful, remarkable lives 

The Remarkable! News is for READERS. I am a reader. I love everything about the reading & writing life and generally have three books going at a time. I love learning about new books and talking to authors about their books, writing process, how they got started, and what inspires them.

If you want to be part of this REMARKABLE! Literary Community and help me grow as a writer in this wild world of publishing, please sign up. Cheers and Happy Reading & Writing! 

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